A bit of fun - freerunner and the wisdom of crowds

Peter Trapp openmoko at genial.ms
Fri Feb 8 14:06:09 CET 2008

On Freitag, 8. Februar 2008, JW wrote:
> So now I think we should apply this to helping team OpenMoko to decide how
> many FreeRunner's they should manufacture in their first run *based on how
> many people they think will buy a Freerunner in the first two months from
> launch*.
> Rather than have a ridiculous number of answers in this thread we need
> someone in the OpenMoko community to whip up a little webpage script which
> allows you to
> * enter your nick
> * click yes/no if you will buy yourself
> * enter your guess for no. sold in first two months
> * press button to see results (min/max/ave/no.of votes/no.of intended
> purchasers)
> Anyone offering to make the webpage?

Beside of some suggestions you made, a similar webpage already exist:


Have fun improving it :)

- homyx

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