Bike power (Re: solar power)

Robin Paulson robin.paulson at
Mon Feb 11 01:26:50 CET 2008

On 11/02/2008, Schmidt András <asch at> wrote:
> Today we were talking about new generation of portable personal
> computers (yes, that is OpenMoko :-) with friends. Our idea was to use
> it as cyclocomputer (That idea has already appeared on the wiki or in
> the list somewhere). We were wondering whether it would be possible to
> charge the phone using a dynamo (
> The dynamo uses the energy of the woman/man who rides the bike. It would

while we're going down that route, this looks a fab idea. virtually
free energy* for charging stuff:

needs some work on the weight side, but nevertheless a good idea

* all applicable laws of physics complied with

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