How Alice and Bob got telephone/SMS spam on their Moko.

ian douglas ian.douglas at
Mon Feb 25 23:49:09 CET 2008

Tilman Baumann wrote:
> In my eyes, trust should be calculated automaticly, not by manually 
> defining trust (like pgp). Using the system could improve it.

Perhaps number of successful phone calls, and length of phone call to 
add a number of trust 'points' ... the more successful calls over some 
length of time, the more trusted someone becomes.

Still, having individual profiles as someone else mentioned, would be 
ideal too. For example, I'd want my wife's phone call to ring no matter 
time of day or busy status (meetings, etc). A call from my 
mother-in-law, however, should never play any ring tone during business 
hours, and unknown caller ID values should never play any ring tone and 
route them immediately to voice mail.

> I have better things to do with my life than managing trust relations 
> for my spam filter...

Well, even tools like SpamAssassin need training to teach it what is 
considered spam or not.


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