FAX2PDF with OpenMoko?

Nils Faerber nils.faerber at kernelconcepts.de
Tue Feb 26 15:46:51 CET 2008

Ricky Fitz schrieb:
> Hi,
> I just had the idea that it would be nice, to make OpenMoko to act as a
> fax-receiver, convert the fax to PDF and do somethin' with it.
> Is this possible, already implemented, or is software out there which
> can be used on the Neo/Freerunner to do that?

Depends largely on the modem, i.e. if it can handle analog incoming fax
transmissions. The rest should be quite easy. There are a lot of
utilities around to receive a G3 fax from a modem (like mgetty-sendfax)
and to convert the resulting G3 into something more useful, like PNG or
even PDF.

> Best regards,
> Ricky.
  nils faerber

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