CAD files for the case of the Neo will be made available

Michael Shiloh michael at
Wed Jan 23 16:37:34 CET 2008

Michael Shiloh wrote:
> Robin Paulson wrote:
>> On 19/01/2008, Michael Shiloh <michael at> wrote:
>>> So I invite you all to help me organize this. It would be useful to
>>> create images of what's in these files, both high res and low res. It
>>> would be useful to have these files converted to other formats.
>>> Then I can figure out how to document and announce this properly.
>>> The archive is
>> Michael, i see these files are for the gta01. Can you tell us how
>> similar these are to the GTA02? If they are different, will FIC/OM be
>> releasing another set for the GTA02 at some point?
> Hi Robin,
> I'll double-check, but as I understand it the ID is identical between 
> GTA01 and GTA02.

I did check, and I was wrong. There are differences between GTA01 and 
GTA02. I don't know what those are exactly, but I suspect they are 
mostly internal.

As far as I know, we do not intend to release the CAD drawings for GTA02 
at this time.

> By the way, a friend with Pro-E is trying to convert those files for 
> me/us. I hope to know soon what's in those files, and have some 
> alternative formats for you all.

My friend has converted those files to IGES and STEP formats. He can do 
convert to more formats. I'll ask him to DXF, at the very least so that 
I can see them with blender. We understand that information can be lost 
in any of these conversions, some more than others.

I'll try to get the IGES and STEP formats on to downloads later today.



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