openmoko availability from the online store

Sean Moss-Pultz sean at
Wed Jul 2 16:59:50 CEST 2008

Mark Sterling wrote:
> Hi There,
> First off: Congratulations to the folk who've made openmoko happen and
> thank you very much :-D
> I've been wanting one of these devices for a very long time, and now
> that they are here and among us the time has arrived to purchase one.
> Only there's a slight snag, the UK distributor truebox state they will
> only send to the card holders address.  Which is all fair enough in
> terms of combating fraud.  Alas I'll need to get one delivered to my
> work address as I'm unlikely to be at home for a delivery.
> So, in a nutshell, is there any indication as to when the
> store will be available for order taking?

Very soon. We don't want to open our store until FreeRunners are _in_ 
the warehouse. Right now they are either on a plane or in customs.

Seriously close. Harry and Steve will update you all soon with exact 


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