21h of battery live with FSO on GTA01

Marc Bantle openmoko at rcie.de
Wed Jul 2 23:42:30 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I just answered a call on my neo1973 after 21 hours of
running FSO.  I had the neo in suspend mode most of
the time. From hour 13 on I woke the neo up hourly
by calling from land line and put it back into suspend
manually (double press power button) after hanging
up on the caller side without answering the call.
There where 3.5V left in the battery after the last
call (measured by multimeter on the battery).

Compared to what I was used to so far this is an
amazing improvement. Congratulations, FSO
developers, for the excellent work !

Up till now I was believing a hardware bug was
responsible for fast battery drainage and keeping
GTA01 from delivering an acceptable uptime.

Cheers, Marc

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