Payment Gateway: Error 500

Seattle Web Creations, LLC info at
Fri Jul 4 03:03:37 CEST 2008

No, actually that statement isn't completely true Harry. The Hi Trust
Payment gateway system does not communicate with every banking network, such
as Bank of America Visa Debit cards. I found this out today after attempting
many times to make a purchase ; (

On 7/3/08 4:35 PM, "Harry Tsai" <harry at> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Error 500, mean is your credit card bank won't accept international
> transaction or they locked your card for huge payment for 10packs , pls
> call your bank release your card and back to shop again!!
> Besides, I will inform my payment gateway to watch out our all
> transaction and ask them make it always smoothly.
> Freerunner is running fast!!!
> BR
> Harry

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