HP calculator on neo1973 - was: More HW from Openmoko

Ken Young rtm at cfa.harvard.edu
Sat Jul 5 09:34:55 CEST 2008

Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:

> Given the freerunner hw, you can certainly do much better than that!
> I would expect something like "mathematica in your pocket"... ;-)
> (In fact, you sort of have already the rpn calculator via "dc".)

> Hey, that's what I wanted as a second project after doing the current
> "simple" calculator. But I was short of time for trying to do it (plus
> the fact that it is not easy do decide between doing something entirely
> new and porting an existing software).

I've got the x48 HP 48 series calculator emulator running on my neo1973.
It was very easy to port - I just had to re-arange the screen layout a bit
to have it fit on a VGA window, and cross compile for the ARM CPU.
A screen shot can be seen here:


If you want a copy of this program, email orrery.moko at gmail.com,
and I'll mail it to you.

Ken Young

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