questions about our mailinglists

Kevin Dean kevin at
Tue Jul 8 19:17:25 CEST 2008

Not everyone uses Gmail, but that said, most modern mail clients offer
the same kind of sorting.

Personally, I like modularlity. I'm subscribed to every Openmoko list
except the kernel devel one, but I can see very compelling reasons why
someone might be interested in say, not being on community but
subscribing to device-owners.

As far as the tags in the subject... I think it's a bad idea. If there
is need of distinguishing which "part of the list" a specific message
is part of, it really should have it's own list.

On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Dustin Knie <nullpuppy at> wrote:
>> FWIW I prefer the mailing list subject lines as they are.
>> [openmoko-users] preppended to the subject line just adds clutter and
>> reduces the useful description of the subject that can be used in
>> that line. Only so much fits in the list of messages in the mail-
>> client's window and [openmoko-users] isn't as useful as "Bug with
>> and SMS sent from Nokia 800. Endianness problem?"
>> Prefixing [openmoko-users] or whatever can cause quite a bit of mess
>> if messages are cross-posted between lists or redirected from one
>> list to the other ("this shouldn't be on -dev, so I'm replying to -
>> users").
> I'm of the same feeling.  Using GMail for lists and setting up rules to
> auto-label incoming mail removes the need for that entirely, and would
> further clutter up stuff. It's a annoying to see openmoko-community
> [openmoko-community] Subject ...
> Just my 2 cents.
> Dustin
> _______________________________________________
> Openmoko community mailing list
> community at

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