T-Mobile with ASU on GTA01?

Tilman Baumann tilman at baumann.name
Wed Jul 9 18:24:14 CEST 2008

Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
>>> They are paying the Trolltech folks now, and they are also paying
>>> EFL developers.
>> Yes, there is a cool application for connecting the N800 to your car
>> electronics and see into the engine management.
> Which  one is that?
> (just googled up carman: http://openbossa.indt.org/carman/index.html,
> this one?)

Hehe, was just researching how much effort it would be to port to openmoko.
Does not look too bad. It runs python and uses gtk or efl as frameworks.
It heavily uses hildon stuff, but mot of them should be easily replaceable.
I'm not going to do this in the next time. But it seems doable.
What i did not check yet is how much their interface code depends on 
screen resolution. I expect very much.
But regarding the small screen on openmoko, some redesign seems a good 
idea anyways...

The nice thing would be that openmoko could provide accelerometer data 
and gps out of the box...

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