SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

Cédric Berger cedric.berger74 at
Thu Jul 10 23:07:31 CEST 2008

I'm interested too by your tests...

I think I will also buy a sandisk 8gb

Anyway, I would like to know if with a really fast card, the
bottleneck will be the neo, or if in all cases the faster the card,
the better the performances in the neo ?

What is the theoretical limit speed of SD interface in the neo ?...

I will buy it in Geneva, for 30€

There are 3 different references (sdhc, sdhc mobile ultra, sdhc
premier). I do not know the real performance difference beetween
One is rated as class 4 (minimum 4 MB/s write speed) (well the shop
says class 2 but sandisk reference it as class 4),
The other (Premier) "up to 10MB/sec read and 9MB/sec write"....
And no info for the Ultra...

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 22:12, Mike Montour <mail at> wrote:
> ian douglas wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Got my 8GB SanDisk 8GB micro SDHC card [1] in a few minutes ago, popped
>> it into my GTA02v5 (beta tester model) Freerunner and running a few
>> tests on it. So far, so good.
> Cool. If you have time, can you post some performance numbers for it?
> is a simple performance-test
> program that I wrote (source is "iospeed.c" in the same directory), or
> you could use something standard like "bonnie++".

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