SanDisk micro SDHC 8GB card under testing

Shawn Rutledge shawn.t.rutledge at
Thu Jul 10 23:26:05 CEST 2008

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Jay Vaughan <jayv at> wrote:
>> Got my 8GB SanDisk 8GB micro SDHC card [1] in a few minutes ago,
>> popped
>> it into my GTA02v5 (beta tester model) Freerunner and running a few
>> tests on it. So far, so good.

What about on the GTA01?  The biggest I have tried so far is 2 gig
because I wasn't sure if SDHC was working.

> I've got one of these ready to pop into my Freerunner when it arrives
> as well, and if it works, the big question is going to be: how do I
> use it best?
> Option a: UNIONFS

That sounds like a good idea.  Is anybody doing that successfully?

What I do is mount it at /usr.  So when upgrading the phone image I
first have to

cp -a /usr/* /media/card/

then change fstab to mount the card on /usr at the next boot.  (Of
course I formatted it ext3, not to have the FAT limitations.)  But to
have only the files that you actually modified would save some space.

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