Mediaplayer on 2007.2: gstreamer failed to initialize

Brian C brianwc at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Jul 11 10:35:29 CEST 2008

The FreeRunner Getting Started Guide suggests:

# opkg install openmoko-mediaplayer2
# wget
# tar xjf openmoko-mediaplayer-theme.tar.bz2 -C

I did that, but when trying to start Mediaplayer I get the following error:

Error: gstreamer failed to initialize. Please make sure gstreamer and
its modules are properly installed (esp. gst-meta-audio).

But, to the extent I know how to check that gstreamer is properly
installed, it seems to be.  For instance, opkg install gst-meta-audio

Package gst-meta-audio (0.10-r10) installed in root is up to date.
Nothing to be done.

Any thoughts on how to get Mediaplayer and gstreamer to play nice?


P.S. I am successfully making and receiving calls (as well as SMS
messages) on AT&T in U.S.  So far very excited by the device's
potential.  But, could someone put a detailed HOWTO on the wiki for:
1. installing a web browser on default 2007.2 image; and
2. installing an on-screen keyboard with CTRL, ESC, / and so forth.

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