[qtopia on freerunner] - What is the right place to discuss Qtopia on Openmoko?

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at 3v1n0.net
Sat Jul 12 05:46:05 CEST 2008

Lorn Potter wrote:
>> 9. Is there any web browser available for this version? Lorn, I saw you 
>> mentioned 4.4 will have a Webkit port. Can't wait for that.
> 4.4 is it. I am trying to get mgmnt to start qtopia 4.4 snapshots so I 
> could release images for it.

Sorry if I'm pressing too much since it's the second time I'm asking 
about this, but do you have any idea about when you'll be able to 
release it (I'd like to know simply if you have still months or just 
weeks of work :P)?


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