unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

Michael Shiloh michael at openmoko.org
Mon Jul 14 03:41:19 CEST 2008


Your Freerunner is failing to boot with a dead (or missing) battery. 
Without booting, the Freerunner can not turn on the charger.

There are 3 workarounds to this:

The easiest workaround is to boot with a spare battery, which can be 
from another Neo (GTA01 or GTA02) or a Nokia BL-4C or BL-5C and I think 
also a BL-3C:

1. Boot with the spare battery and attach your charger.

2. Once your phone is booted, remove the spare battery. Freerunner will 
remain running, powered by charger

3. Insert dead battery and let it charge

The second method involves charging your battery in an external charger.

The final method involves charging the battery manually, enough to allow 
Freerunner to boot. This requires an external power supply of about 4.5 
Volts and should be done only if you feel comfortable with electronics 
and hardware and understand about short circuits.

Let me know if you want to do this and I'll instruct you privately.


linux4u at bluewin.ch wrote:
> hi all
> last night, my qtopia mean that the batteries are down and i have to charge them...it was 2 o`clock AM
> and nobody will phone me at this time...so, i don`t charge them and let the batteries run down...
> now, if i put the charging unit on it, i just hear some damped tones out from the speaker and see the red led 
> on the AUX button is flashing... i have no chance to bring the freerunner up....neither in NAND nor in NOR-Flash....
> and least of all not in the normal qtopia image.. :-(
> is anyone know this problem with the full discharge...?
> i try to flash it with the debug board...
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