Can't boot Freerunner without battery - Was: Re: unable to start up freerunner after batterie was full down

Steven ** montgoss+openmokocommunity at
Mon Jul 14 04:23:51 CEST 2008

Perhaps it's been said before and I missed it...  But why can't the
Neo boot off USB power alone?


On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Michael Shiloh <michael at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your Freerunner is failing to boot with a dead (or missing) battery.
> Without booting, the Freerunner can not turn on the charger.
> There are 3 workarounds to this:
> The easiest workaround is to boot with a spare battery, which can be
> from another Neo (GTA01 or GTA02) or a Nokia BL-4C or BL-5C and I think
> also a BL-3C:
> 1. Boot with the spare battery and attach your charger.
> 2. Once your phone is booted, remove the spare battery. Freerunner will
> remain running, powered by charger
> 3. Insert dead battery and let it charge
> The second method involves charging your battery in an external charger.
> The final method involves charging the battery manually, enough to allow
> Freerunner to boot. This requires an external power supply of about 4.5
> Volts and should be done only if you feel comfortable with electronics
> and hardware and understand about short circuits.
> Let me know if you want to do this and I'll instruct you privately.
> Regards,
> Michael
> linux4u at wrote:
>> hi all
>> last night, my qtopia mean that the batteries are down and i have to charge was 2 o`clock AM
>> and nobody will phone me at this, i don`t charge them and let the batteries run down...
>> now, if i put the charging unit on it, i just hear some damped tones out from the speaker and see the red led
>> on the AUX button is flashing... i have no chance to bring the freerunner up....neither in NAND nor in NOR-Flash....
>> and least of all not in the normal qtopia image.. :-(
>> is anyone know this problem with the full discharge...?
>> i try to flash it with the debug board...
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