When does it suspend?

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Mon Jul 14 19:21:41 CEST 2008

>> > right? And is there a way to manually put the Freerunner to screen?
>> "put to screen"?
> sorry, put to sleep or put to suspend – too many s-words in my mind at
> the same time  :-)

power menu has a "lock display" entry -- might send the fr to bed.
else, maybe somewhere below /sys/ ...

> Also, when it’s in sleep mode, does the LED still work, e.g. tell me
> about unread SMS or missed calls? If not, is that technically possible?

well, with 2007.2 leds do not work at all, by fiddling with  
/sys/.../leds/.../trigger i was able to get a led after the fr was  
charged, but not while charging (despite the trigger's name  
charge-and-full or so).
regarding your muttons: i think technically it should be rather easy  
(other phones  can do, too), but that's mostly kernel land, imho.

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