New Freerunner, factory image - "Registering..."

Stroller stroller at
Mon Jul 14 21:19:32 CEST 2008

On 14 Jul 2008, at 19:51, Andy Selby wrote:

> 2008/7/14 Stroller <stroller at>:
>> Anyway, once booted to the factory image I get continuously a
>> "Registering..." message in the top-left corner of the Home screen.
>> After 30 minutes or so this message persists.
> Yeah, I get that with my neo1973 from time to time, maybe the SIM
> contacts are'nt touching the phone contacts
> What I do is slide my finger down the SIM holder in the direction it
> locks in, press down on the holder and press down on the battery when
> I insert that.
> It sounds unscientific, but by gar, it works pretty much every time.

Ah! That old chestnut! I have had this many times with other phones.

I'll try this when the phone has had a full charge. Having plugged it  
into the wall and started it charging for the first time I am  
reluctant to unplug it until it is fully charged, as per the  


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