Replacing ASU/Qtopia keyboard with matchbox keyboard?

Ken Restivo ken at
Tue Jul 15 13:14:41 CEST 2008

I've installed the matchbox keyboard on my ASU installation, and I love it.

matchbox-keyboard-im - 0.0+svnr1910-r10 - 
matchbox-keyboard-inputmethod - 0.0+svnr1910-r10 - 
qtopia-phone-x11-libinputmatch - 4.3.2+git3+876ed02211e50547856491ad54a75299b62efe4c-r31 - 

Only problem is, how can I get the apps to use it as an input method instead of its own built-in QWERTY keyboard?

Actually clicking on the keyboard's icon in the launcher is a disaster; it gives me three instances of the keyboard and fills up the screen so much that there's no way to open any other app, the only solution is to reboot the phone.



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