In the press

ian douglas ian.douglas at
Tue Jul 15 22:40:14 CEST 2008

I'll have time to help out as well starting next week. I wonder if we
could get the OM techs to create another mailing list started like
wiki-editors at so we can communicate to one another
about organization plans, etc.

The other thing to consider, as well, is what Brenda's role is with
regards to the wiki. As I understood it, managing the wiki was her
position within the company. Obviously a daunting task for a single
person, so perhaps we need to make sure she's in the loop, or managing
the team, etc.

Like Josh, I can give a few hours per week to make the wiki a less
confusing place to be.


Josh Monson wrote:
> I will volunteer a few hours each week towards this. 
> Editing, cleanup, moving content, updating content, organization,
> etc.....
> I'm in. 
> John Reese or Torfinn are you 2 also volunteering? That would make 3.
> Who else? We need a list of names so we can start firing this project
> up. 
> I bought this phone for the specific purpose of what is happening right
> now with this list, and where it will take the phone :)
> Cheers
> I use trillian but here is my info, feel free to add me "IF" you are
> interested in this part of the project :)
> westcoastmonson  :hotmail:
> westcoastmonson  :yahoo:
> westcoastmonson1 :aim:
> 422809032        :irc:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: community-bounces at
> [mailto:community-bounces at] On Behalf Of John Reese
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:15 PM
> To: List for Openmoko community discussion
> Subject: Re: In the press
> Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Jay Vaughan <jayv at> wrote:
>>> Well thats definitely a very nice proposal, but I would like to hold
>>> off a bit on recreating a whole new wiki .. what I had in mind was
>>> more of a blog/feed style site, not necessarily another wiki setup ..
>> As have been said before in this thread: what we (the Openmoko
>> community) need is a wiki editors group.
>> Any volunteers?
>> The wiki editors group would help each other (and other contributors)
>> to improve the wiki, by creating information management, writing and
>> style guidelines, guiding and teaching wiki contributors, and editing
>> the wiki itself.
>> Initially, the group could consist of the people most active in
>> editing the wiki already. Further recruitment could be based on
>> quality and quantity of contributions to the wiki.
>> Of course the Wiki editors would have a "hall of fame" page on the
>> wiki that would describe the tasks that the group do, list the names
>> of the editors (and perhaps what period they acted in that role?) and
>> so on
>> Any volunteers now?
>> Anyway, just an idea.
> This sounds like a good idea.  I'm certainly willing to put my time in 
> to clean things up.  I've been doing some of it already when I come 
> across things that either aren't clear or aren't linked well.
> If we could gather a team of four, maybe five/six, community members, 
> and devise/discuss a plan to organize and clean up the wiki, and then 
> get everyone in the mailing lists, IRC, etc to promote and encourage use
> and modifying the wiki, I think it would go a very long way.

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