$106 in Brokerage!!?!!?!

Steven Kurylo sk at infinitepigeons.org
Wed Jul 16 02:53:46 CEST 2008

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Ben Cadieux <ben.cadieux at gmail.com> wrote:
> UPS wants $106 in brokerage.  Are they out of their minds?
> (I'm in BC, Canada, by the way).  I should've shipped it across the
> border.  If I have the item returned, would you guys ship it again for
> me, say across the border this time? (I'll pay shipping again, of
> course...)

In BC as well.  I did the $50 shipping (brokerage included) and had to
pay ~$45 for taxes.  So if you took the normal shipping method, $102
sounds about right.

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