In the press. "The OpenMoko wiki - a tangled pile of mostly outdated and incomplete documentation."

Stroller stroller at
Wed Jul 16 03:56:43 CEST 2008

On 15 Jul 2008, at 19:45, John Reese wrote:

> Stroller wrote:
>> I thought today about starting a "Freerunner usability" page on the
>> wiki, as it seems a very common FAQ on IRC. New users are not
>> satisfied with "the software's not stable yet" but instead want to
>> know "how 'alpha' is it? can I make calls and send texts? how about
>> calendaring?"  Many Linux enthusiasts LOVE the idea of a completely
>> open phone and they're willing to sacrifice features for that right
>> now, because they know (and love!) the fact that Open-Source Software
>> will fix that for them in the future. As long as they can make calls,
>> send texts then they're happy with a alpha software, but one user
>> worries about email or battery life, another needs a browser. It
>> would be great to have a single page one could point them to (perhaps
>> telling them which image to use if they need a specific feature, best
>> call stability or audio quality) - right now I can't find a page that
>> answers their questions, but I don't want to start a new one because
>> *surely* there must already be one??
> Perhaps this is what you seek?

That's a pretty good start - thanks for bringing it to my attention.

ISTM that this answers half the question.

What I'm seeing a lot of on IRC is:
     "is anyone using the Freerunner as their main phone?"
     "how reliable is it?"
     "how featureful is it when the FR is used as a main phone?"

The "telephony" line of the Distributions wiki page suggests that  
OM2007.2, FSO, ASU & Qtopia all work equally well.
I don't think that's actually the case, is it?

A thinking-about-buying-a-Freerunner FAQ would be great. The existing  
FAQ is simply too long and cumbersome.

The thing about telling a Linux enthusiast that "it's alpha quality"  
is we're all gung ho to try anyway. We're all glad to fix stuff and  
write bash scripts to the best of our ability, but without a decent  
summary of the status it's kinda hard to know whether our abilities  
meet the challenge.

This is probably better suited to the new wiki list. We'll discuss it  
further there when Steve sets it up.


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