GTA01BV4 died, please help me.

Michael Shiloh michael at
Wed Jul 16 07:29:03 CEST 2008

Joerg Reisenweber wrote:
> Am Mi  16. Juli 2008 schrieb Michael Shiloh:
>> The OP says it fails to boot even with a full Nokia battery, so it's 
>> unlikely to be the dead battery problem.
> Yep
>> The two other failures mentioned are (1) removing the battery while 
>> plugged into USB and (2) corrupting Flash memory
>> Does anyone know exactly what is damaged by removing the battery while 
>> plugged into USB? Is there a way to verify that this in fact is the 
>> cause of the problem?
> This shouldn't cause any problem on GTA02 (on GTA01 there were some scream of 
> death issues when removing bat while charged IIRC). At least we have no 
> reports on this so far, I myself do remove bat while on charger frequently - 
> no harm.

The original post is regarding a GTA01 in fact.

>> Another poster suggested damaged Flash. In this case, inspection with 
>> the debug board should verify this and allow for repair. I presume you 
>> don't have a debug board? Check whether someone near you has a debug 
>> board, or send it to someone with a debug board.
> Well a device not starting on a full battery is to be considered broken and 
> should be sent in for repair. My 2 cent.
> Of course you could check NOR, 'cause it'll not stat with bad NOR. But you're 
> supposed to not be able to break NOR without debug-board. So no use in trying 
> to get one, if you don't have already.
> /jOERG

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