Reason for GPS problems found!

Wolfgang Spraul wolfgang at
Wed Jul 16 09:01:55 CEST 2008


> Why have you not used the phone yourselves?
We are using it.

> Why are you abusing the community in such a shameless way?
We don't. We are just working as hard and smart as we can. A pretty  
awesome group of people actually, and obviously our community  
(including critical people like you) are included!
If you think it's not good enough for you, please let us know what  
better place you find, we are very willing to learn.

On the GPS bug, expect an update before the end of the week.

On Jul 16, 2008, at 2:34 PM, Marcus Bauer wrote:

> On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 09:22 +0800, Wolfgang Spraul wrote:
>> Alejandro -
>>> This issue does not look good. Is there someone in Openmoko or FIC
>>> aware of it?
>> Aware of it? You must be kidding.
> Dear Wolfgang,
> there remains one question that the community has to you and it is  
> even
> more important than the question why this was not caught in factory
> testing:
>> From all the Openmoko employees nobody has realized that the GPS is
> broken. Why have you not used the phone yourselves? Why are you  
> abusing
> the community in such a shameless way?
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