Operation without battery (GTA02)

Jeffrey Malone ieatlint at tehinterweb.com
Fri Jul 18 00:27:22 CEST 2008

I've actually been able to run the phone without a battery.  I booted it,
plugged in the wall charger, and removed the battery.
It sat working for an indefinite period of time, while registered to the GSM
network and with GPS and wifi on (I was testing to see if removing the
battery could aid GPS).

Using USB from a computer failed to provide enough charge.  In fact, I
noticed last night that while running 2007.2 with GSM and wifi on, the phone
was not able to actually charge from USB.  It was in a "charging" state,
drawing power from the USB port.  But it was insufficient to counter the
actual power usage of the phone, and its battery level would very slowly
drop (about 1% every half hour).


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Andy Green <andy at openmoko.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> | On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 23:19:13 +0200, Andy Green <andy at openmoko.com>
> wrote:
> |
> |> I ran without a battery for many weeks earlier in the year.  It seems to
> |> be specifically if we enable the PMU charger with no battery, it freaks
> |> out and goes to PMU STANDBY state.  Earlier in the year, we didn't
> |> enable charger yet so it hangs together.
> |
> | What's the advantage of enabling the charger?
> Well without it literally it won't charge the battery from USB power.
> It's fine to enable it except when it notices there is no battery there
> for some reason.
> |> Well it can be a use case if you don't want GSM... as Joerg said USB
> |> alone cannot provide enough power for GSM TX usage so there's no hope
> |> for it (or any other GSM device) being an actual phone with no battery.
> |> ~ But it's actually a pretty decent embedded / server / smart display
> |> device aside from the phone aspect useful for other things if it can be
> |> tethered to some always on power without battery, so I still hope that
> |> can be gotten to work.
> |
> | Still not really a use case because nothing stops you from having a
> | battery inserted, even while external power is attached.
> True enough.
> - -Andy
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