Issues / Quirks with SMS via GUI (Messages app)

Matthew Lane malane at
Fri Jul 18 22:41:26 CEST 2008

Matthew Lane wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a few issues / quirks with the Messages app in sending and 
> reading SMS messages.
> First, a problem I noticed was that when switching to the middle option 
> in the Messages program (where the FR lists all text messages) was 
> extremely slow.  The whole program would lock up (I could still tab to 
> other programs) but my Messages program would run extremely slow.  This 
> is NOT related to the SIM, as I have popped out the SIM card and 
> experienced the same issues.
> Second, this is more of a major issue but I am not sure if it's 
> carrier-related or a problem with the phone's Message software itself.  
> When attempting to send a text message, I cannot send a message to a 
> number formatted (123) 456-7890 (eg. how VCard inserts its numbers).  
> However, when I text a number in the format 1234567890 it works just 
> fine.  VCard importing prefers the (123) 456-7890 format unfortunately.
> Also, the majority of my text messages are inserted into the "Unknown 
> Sender" contact, because some carriers append a "1" at the beginning of 
> their numbers.  Is there any simple solution for the Messages program to 
> identify this?
> And one curious question, what does the "mail sending" icon embedded 
> into some outgoing text messages indicate?
> Thanks!
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Has anyone experienced any of these issues, or does anyone have a solution?

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