Experiances purchasing and using a neo fr in australia?

Lorn Potter lpotter at trolltech.com
Tue Jul 22 04:27:20 CEST 2008

Aaron Tate wrote:
> Im currently looking very hard at purchasing the neo freerunner from the 
> official store on july 25, i live in melbourne australia and was 
> wondering if anyone has purchased either the freerunner or 1973 and used 
> it in australia.

Yes. both work fine. Qtopia is developed here in Brisbane. :)
and the mokomakefile is developed.. ummm... west and probably south of here.

> If so what has your experience been? and if you dont mind, what did the 
> shipping set you back?

shipping was quite expensive, although I cannot remember what it was/is.
customs was not really a problem.

> Although i'm intending to use this phone frequently, i know its not 
> quite production ready and accept that the're can and will be things 
> that don't quite work right.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, Trolltech, a Nokia company

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