headset with qtopia

Lorn Potter lpotter at trolltech.com
Tue Jul 22 09:14:07 CEST 2008

Ole Kliemann wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 05:34:47AM +0000, thewtex wrote:
>> Has anyone got the headset that comes with the Freerunner group purchase working
>> with the qtopia.net images?  There seems to be a small amount of sound coming
>> out somewhere.  And speakerphone goes wacky.  Maybe alsamixer settings?
> I am using this version: 
> 	qtopia-4.3.2-gta02-flash-07172049.tgz
> When I plug in the headset while playing something with mediaplayer, I
> only get sound on one channel on the headset, speaker still sounds
> normal.
> There is a alsamixer control `Amp Spk'; if you turn it off, speaker goes
> off and headset has both channels.
> Now question would be, how to make qtopia to recognize the headset has
> been plugged in and change mixer settings accordingly. The .state files
> in /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios are in place but don't seem to be used.

Ok, I fixed headphone insertions today, and will make an image update 
soon at qtopia.net

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, Trolltech, a Nokia company

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