Can you help the Openmoko booth at Linuxworld, August 4-7, in San Francisco?

Michael Shiloh michael at
Wed Jul 23 17:47:19 CEST 2008

Much appreciated Joseph! Perhaps next time we do a conference on your 
side of the pond.


Joseph Reeves wrote:
> I'd give my big toe to be there, but am on the wrong side of the
> Atlantic. I'll be sending positive mental energy across the pond to
> you all!
> Joseph
> 2008/7/17 Michael Shiloh <michael at>:
>> Openmoko will be at Linuxworld, and needs to staff two booths: One in
>> the main vendor area, and another in the Linux Garage.
>> As we are a small understaffed team, we would love it if some of you
>> could commit to helping us.
>> If you are on this mailing list, you already know enough to answer the
>> most common question: "What is Openmoko?".
>> As for more technical questions, don't worry - you already know a lot,
>> and you can always defer questions to one of us.
>> In return we plan some sort of appreciation, perhaps in the form of
>> T-shirts or some other Openmoko swag, and you will be the proud owner of
>> our undying gratitude :-) You will also be able to ask Steve all those
>> difficult questions you've been saving up.
>> It's also a great opportunity for us to get to know you, no matter how
>> much or little time you can commit to helping.
>> LinuxWorld is August 4-7, in San Francisco.
>> Please let me know right away so that I can arrange for badges.
>> Passes for the exhibit hall are free! Register at
>> If there is interest we will also hold a BoF session.
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