freerunner unable to work with 3G SIMCards?

Michael Shiloh michael at
Thu Jul 24 00:58:47 CEST 2008

Stroller wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2008, at 22:55, Michael Shiloh wrote:
>> Brenda has set up a wiki page to list these problem cards
>> (Roh, is it problematic to fix that spelling error?)
>> Michael
> If you mean the misspelling of "unalbe" then the page was already moved 
> some days ago:
> If you're accessing the page via the misspelled link (as quoted in your 
> post above) then the page simply redirects to the correctly-spelled URL.
> On my browser the misspelling persists in the browser's address bar, but 
> if you click on the "edit" link then you'll see that you're editing the 
> correctly-spelled version of the page (and if, from the "edit" page you 
> click on the "page" tab then it takes you back to the correctly-spelled 
> URL).

Yes, that's exactly what's happening. Thanks!

So why aren't we seeing in the table all the 3G cards we heard about on 
the list a few weeks ago?



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