sysfsutils -- the script

Roland Mas lolando at
Thu Jul 24 11:02:46 CEST 2008

Andy Green, 2008-07-24 09:34:12 +0100 :


> | ...that, or the kernel just forgets to switch the LED off.  Andy?
> Should be fixed in the last couple of days
> If you're running today's kernel, then... obviously not fixed
> enough!

I believe I am.  My installed kernel is from Jul 23 06:34:19 CEST with
Version: 2:2.6.24+git24+be0f111b3d1570dec174ff301d08bad995ccf1e6-r0
(and yes, I have rebooted into it :-)

Roland Mas

La menace de la baffe pèse plus lourd que la baffe elle-même.
  -- in Sri Raoul le petit yogi (Gaudelette)

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