NeoFreerunner and MacOSX?

McCreery, Lee CTR DISA lee.mccreery.ctr at
Fri Jul 25 19:19:24 CEST 2008

I currently have mine working(OSX 10.5.x) and here is quick down and
dirty process it took to complete.  I am sure there are many ways to
make this successful.

Power up FR and connect via USB

Download the lastest AjZaurus USB Drivers and install them.( )  The 10.4 version will
work with 10.5

After install reboot laptop

Enter "system preferences" -> "network" -> "select en2"(It should be

Now configure the interface for IP and enter your
router(GW) for your default on your laptop.

Reboot laptop

Now you should be able to connect via ssh from laptop to FR.

Enter "system preferences" -> "share" and select "internet" option on
the left side of the window.  It will then show in the window to the
right the "en2" interface.  Place a check mark in the box and make sure
there is a check mark in the "internet" box also.

On the FR run the command "route"

Scp /etc/resolv.conf from the laptop to /etc/resolv.conf of the FR.

You now will be surfing through the laptop.  Keep in mind that you will
need to scp /etc/resolv.conf each time after reboot of the FR unless you
take some other measures.

-----Original Message-----
From: community-bounces at
[mailto:community-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ole Holm
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 11:42 AM
To: List for Openmoko community discussion
Subject: NeoFreerunner and MacOSX?

Hey everybody

I have seen (In the Wiki) that it should be possible and that it  
should be quite easy to administrate (Webacces, package mangement  
etc.) the Neo Freerunner though the MacOSX Leopard. I was just  
wondering if anyone on this list has experience with this combination  
and how difficult it is.
I can see that, has some software that is  
available, but is these necessary to make these two work together?

Venlig Hilsen
Ole Holm Frandsen

Registeret GNU/Linux bruger: 417963
.Mac Member: froksen

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