NeoFreerunner and MacOSX?

Steven Kurylo sk at
Fri Jul 25 19:57:57 CEST 2008

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Ole Holm Frandsen <froksen at> wrote:
> _Thank you_ very much, for the walk through McCreery. It seems thats
> it rather straight through to make it work . Now there is not much
> which is preventing me from buying the Phone. So thanks again.
> Is there a difference in perfomance with connecting it with OSX contra
> connecting it with a Linux-dist?  Just curious.

I find the osx usb driver to be quite flaky.  I think I have 10.4.  I
regularly have to reboot my macbook now, where as I used to go months
between reboots.

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