Provider missed calls messages

Jim Morris ml at
Sun Jul 27 21:36:45 CEST 2008

Cédric Berger wrote:
> I also receive another sms from 123 once the message was aknowledged
> (listened by me !). (maybe even 2 sms if I listen to 2 pending
> messages...).
> This one is to trigger the message icon down...
> I had once seen some description of this kind of sms but have yet to
> find it now... I do not know to what point these messages are
> proprietary and specific to providers...
> (but anyway my old phone worked the same with other providers -it was
> initially bought with Orange contract-)

I have T-Mobile in the US and I get a 129 message, for the same events, so it looks like it is 
provider dependent.

Jim Morris,

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