Request for help: Would like community applications to show anddiscuss at LinuxWorld

Kristian 'kriss' Mueller kriss at
Tue Jul 29 01:08:03 CEST 2008

Am Dienstag, den 29.07.2008, 00:46 +0200 schrieb Marcus Bauer:
> On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 15:33 -0700, steve wrote:
> > Of course!!! Every toolkit  is allowed.
> > 
> > The whole point about FSO is to free people to pick their toolkit!
> The opposite is true. FSO forces you into ASU. It basically makes all
> work that has been put into OM2007.2 useless.
> Please stop telling these lies.

Marcus, did I miss the irony here, or do you really believe this? 

Why should anyone at Openmoko want to keep out other frameworks, 
after even putting qtopia to X11?

Anyway, GTK applications are working just fine with the FSO image.

Greetings from Berlin
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