Warranty after fix for GTA02 GPS rework for SD card interference issue

Pawel Kowalak viru at bzimage.us
Wed Jul 30 19:32:09 CEST 2008

> | Track is very accurate (no jump-offs the road) in the city.  
> Earlier I
> | used Garmin
> | GPS60 and tracks from it were way worse than from FR.
> |
> | I used today's kernel and u-boot.
> That's pretty encouraging, thanks.

Hi again,

I made another test, driving back home. This time, I zoomed to lvl 17  
(maximum) and saved track again. I got fix from 8 satellites (10  
visible) after second turn (about 1 minute). I have pre-cached map of  
my city on SD card (2GB sandisk). Here is the first part of the track:


At the begining I was completly off-road until I clicked 'autocenter',  
when it moved me to correct location (straight line is the offset), so  
I think it is TangoGPS bug. Then normal drive in traffic / traffic  
lights, etc. (on zoom=17).

Here is another part of the track:


I drove here almost 100km/h (but don't tell anyone) on max zoom, to  
read tiles faster from the card. As you can see, no jump offs from the  

So, to me, GPS works great now. I had more problems with accuracy of  
my Garmin outdoor device.


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