Freerunner not charging?

arne anka openmoko at
Thu Jul 31 13:57:19 CEST 2008

> 1) should there be a led indicating it's charging?


> 2) and is it normal for the icon to appear red after it had a chance to
> charge overnight? (about 7hrs of charge time)
> 3) or should I leave it in longer for the first time?

there have been several reports of the fr discharging when connected to  
usb (incl charger) for a long time. so that bug might have bitten you as  
well. the flash from green to red might be due to an additional bug in  
redrawing the icon correctly (i recall at least one posting, i think).
i am absolutely not sure how a fresh li-ion battery likes to be handled --  
some manuals say you need to discharge and recharge a few times to get the  
full capacity, others do not. stroller announced a well thought strategy  
how to handly his freerunner's battery -- but that was before he got his  
fr, so no clue what to do :-)
did you flash your u-boot, too?
what image (rootfs, kernel) do you use right now?

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