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Joe Pfeiffer joseph at
Tue Jun 3 16:24:35 CEST 2008

kosa writes:

>I myself use Icedove, wich is some kind of Debian <br>
>fork of Firefox (somehow firefox logos and others <br>
>were not "free enough" and the Debian team decided <br>
>to use the source and but not the name. It was funny <br>
>they named Icedove after Firefox). Anyway, I wonder <br>
>if the engine registers&nbsp; my borwser as Firefox, as <br>
>Mozilla, as Mozilla Compatible Agent o just as Icedove.<br>

Don't you mean iceweasel?

The name change wasn't debian's idea:  Mozilla decided that they
didn't want their trademark used without doing a review of all of
debian's patches; debian didn't want to put up with that, so they
changed the name.

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