Free Runner price vs iphone 3G price - Things clear

Jorge . sphairos at
Tue Jun 10 23:20:24 CEST 2008


This post is going further my expectations :) so, lets put the things in order:

1) FreeRunner and its freedom is the best, so we dont need an argue about the good reasons to buy one :)

2) In countries where you have to sign a two year contract, the iPhone 3G will be more expensive at the end, but this is not the situation of everyone.

3) Apple will say all time that you will have to sign a contract to get an iPhone, but in the reality they do nothing to stop people unlocking phones and selling them without AT&T contracts around the world (check ebay before telling again you have to sign a contract!!!), because they get money for that phones anyway. So I expect iPhones 3G being sold for $199 USD without any contract around the world, and for most people does not matter if this is legal or not. 

4) FreeRunner is a product, and need sales to survive. I will buy a Freerunner instead an iPhone because i want a free phone, but many people would prefer to buy an unlocked-hacked-nocontract iPhone on ebay for $199 than an OpenMoko for $399. am I clear enough?

furthermore the freedom, there is a war for the smartphones market and a freephone have to be competitive  in price, not only in quality and philosophy. 

Best wishes
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