GSoC volunteer (as student)

Stefan Schmidt stefan at
Tue Mar 25 15:26:14 CET 2008


On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 17:40, Patryk Szymczak wrote:
> I am also asking if someone is interested in mentoring me?

It's likely that we coordinate the mentoring while we are doing the

> I have 1 year left to Master of Science degree. I also have half-time
> job in programming GSM terminals, GSM modules (Telit [1], Wavecom
> [2]), telemetry devices, mobile devices. At job, my responsibility
> covers everything, starting with contacts with client, lots of
> research, planning steps, implementing, testing, documentation
> maintaining and client training (I am planning to give it up for a
> summer because of GSoC) . I am also experienced in working in
> multinational team (especially with Germans) and love programming
> Python!

Sounds impressive.

> If I had to choose something from the Ideas list [3] that would be (in
> decreasing order):
> * Support/documentation/tutorials/examples for building Applications
> in Python (so we could build apps as easily as on Symbian Python)

Honestly I think with your skills, something else would be more
suited. :)

> * Ambient Noise Detection

I really like to see getting this done. Some nice demo app on top o it
showing us what we can do with such things in the future.

> * Framework for Accelerometer Gestures (not a kernel driver)

A lot people like to do this it seems. Still it is only one task atm,
so we would need to make a choice. Better be prepared for other tasks
and send applications, too.

With your experience in GSM you perhaps also have nice ideas what we
can do with this "feature". :) Don't hesitate to offer different
applications then the one you can find in the wiki. We are open for
ideas here.

Stefan Schmidt
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