Our new Main page of wiki

BrendaWang brenda_wang at openmoko.com
Mon May 5 10:20:28 CEST 2008

Dear Steve:
I notice that you edited the Main page of wiki.
The wording is better then me. I like it.
Thank you for doing this.
But I don't understand why you took off the sentence  below "Join 
Openmoko development"?
And development  board--QT2410?
Can you tell me why?

Actually , I know that our main page is too long. I would like to make 
whole wiki site become  short and organized.
But technically , I can't solve that problem in a very short time.
I just used the Google Analytic to find out the most popular page , then 
I use the box, put the link all together.
Use the aggressive color and put the categories page on side bar, to 
make pages easy to find.
I also use the Google Analytic to find out the most popular browser, use 
the right tag, make sure most of them can use wiki more easily.
I got a lot of feedback here.

And now ,  Gismo is helping us to upgrade our wiki system.
After wiki system had been upgraded , I would start to work on server site.
For example , I would like to change the wiki skin. And page structure.
 I think I would need technical support. And I will ask anyone who can 
help me.
Anyway, the real meaning of Wiki is collaboration.
Thank for you help , and hope you can understand what I am doing now.


And I like it. :-)

steve ??:
>  It's getting there.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [mailto:raster at openmoko.org] 
> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 8:15 PM
> To: steve
> Cc: 'List for Openmoko community discussion'
> Subject: Re: Our new Main page of wiki
> On Fri, 2 May 2008 17:13:06 -0700 "steve" <steve at openmoko.com> babbled:
> indeed - it's not bad. no complaints. just observation. :) we all have got
> lots
> of things to do... :)
>> Yes, It is a bit long. And it always has been. Brenda is working the
>> Structure of the site ( like Edward scissorshand trimming kudzu) and I
> told
>> wolfgang I would do my marketing thing on the front page. I will of course
>> make some suggestions on organization and structure ( you know me raster )
>> but for now, I will let it rest, as I have other matters to attend to.
>> The current structure is rhapsodic and so is not easily maintained,
>> especially as new products come out. So, I'll share some thoughts later.
>> Laconically yours,
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) [mailto:raster at openmoko.org] 
>> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 5:03 PM
>> To: List for Openmoko community discussion
>> Cc: steve
>> Subject: Re: Our new Main page of wiki
>> On Fri, 2 May 2008 14:25:18 -0700 "steve" <steve at openmoko.com> babbled:
>> seems ok to me, though a little long :) but that's how it has been for a
>> while. :)
>>> In any case I did a quick copy edit of the front page. Have a look, I
> will
>>> probably polish it some more later on and add some of my writing from
> the
>>> .com.
>>> PS, Raster is right.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: community-bounces at lists.openmoko.org
>>> [mailto:community-bounces at lists.openmoko.org] On Behalf Of
>>> joerg at openmoko.org
>>> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 12:55 AM
>>> To: community at lists.openmoko.org
>>> Cc: Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
>>> Subject: Re: Our new Main page of wiki
>>> Am Fr  2. Mai 2008 schrieb Carsten Haitzler:
>>>> On Thu, 1 May 2008 13:35:24 -0400 "Nick Guenther" <kousue at gmail.com> 
>>> babbled:
>>>> I think it's a little ridiculous to leave it when at least she takes
> the
>>>> initiative to do something. Sure - Brenda does not speak English as a
>>> native
>>>> language. You are free to fix it up with your perfect English
> intuition.
>>> It 
>>> is
>>>> a wiki after all. Perhaps she might help you with your good, yet not
> so 
>>> perfect
>>>> chinese? :)
>>>> Seriously. I have learnt several languages. I know how hard it is to
>> speak
>>> a
>>>> foreign language. It is damned hard. It's even harder when the
> language
>> is
>>> of
>>>> a completely different language school (i.e. European vs. Asian
>>> languages). 
>>> The
>>>> fact that someone can communicate as well as Brenda can, in a foreign 
>>> language,
>>>> is simply amazing. It is a mountain of work. Everyone should be as 
>>> supportive as
>>>> possible. It is no easy task. The fact that English is just the
> de-facto
>>> one
>>>> for Open source, should not mean it has to be perfect and written by 
>>> natives.
>>>> If it can be understood then it has done a great job already. I clap
> my 
>>> hands
>>>> for Brenda and say "keep going" and thumbs up for making such a good
> job
>>> of 
>>> it!
>>>> ???!
>>>> :)
>>> ACK!
>>> The new wiki-mainpage is way better than what it was before.
>>> Thanks Brenda! :-)
>>> /jOERG
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>> -- 
>> Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <raster at openmoko.org>

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