questions for steve regarding group purchases

Michele Renda michele.renda at
Thu May 8 23:23:55 CEST 2008

Flemming Richter Mikkelsen wrote:

Don't worry! No problem :)

I don't know what is happening, but I see in Internet also I a lot of 
person speaking with no-understandable comparations with other phone, 
watching more what is missing on this phone, and not what there is already.

And in the end they lost what want this phone to be.

I hope this phone will become big, and can show to all the potiality of 
open development. In this moment to me seem to live like in the first 
years where was born linux: on the begining no one was never thinking 
that the work of thousand free person can build a project so big and 

And according me Openmoko is doing in hardware what Linux made in 
software! And it is great.

So, steve... when you will send this phone to us? (If I am the 1.000.000 
person that ask this, I win somethig?)

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