Quickstart web page my first manual readed before product release

David Samblas Martinez dsamblas at yahoo.es
Wed May 14 23:53:13 CEST 2008

Since I was a young wannabe I like to read manuals, I  allways remember my first full specification readding at 13 years reading the full Epson ms-dos manuals (full command list especification included) 1 night before I can even start my first computer (an 8086)  because (damn it!) my family decided to go to soup that evening with my uncles...
Now I am a old an experienced wannabe and I cannot remember any other tech doc than make me feel so near again this first geek experience (near to drop a tear here)
Here again reading about manage something desired but not even (but so near.... ) in you  hands.

Michael  in the chapter 7 is written "[...] Note that updating the root file system will erase any data you have added, such as contacts or calendar information.[...] "
some tar -cvzf backupneopimdata.tar.gz "watever/the/pims/apps/save/the/information" will be apreciated here to be able to restore this info after an update. Some more sophisticated backup solutions can be added lately as long as their are implemented and 
will be  ok to add a link to http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Backup directly when this part has been developed.


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