Barometric altimeter on 'future' Freerunner ?

Matthias Schulze matthias_schulze at
Sat May 17 12:50:57 CEST 2008


I am wondering about applications possible with the Freerunner
(connected via usb) or later phone models, if a barometric altimeter
would be included. A potential barometric device might be this one.
(which seems to have a usb-version)

At the start of an outdoor trip actual barometric pressure altitude
could be referenced to gps detected altitude. Given stable barometric
pressure (i.e. no wheather change) this reference should hold
independently of altitude. Upcoming low pressure areas bringing bad
weather might be detected in case a certain tolerance given to the
inital reference is no longer met.

Other uses might be personal wheather forecast or sending gps-position
tagged atmospheric pressure data to a central wheather server and so on.

Well, just an idea, Matthias

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