IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

Andy Powell openmoko at automated.it
Sat May 17 23:19:17 CEST 2008

On Saturday 17 May 2008 20:55, Brandon Kruse wrote:


> >
> > I think that it's a dialer function - however it would be nice if other
> > applications could tell the dialer how to dial. Since dbus seems to be
> > the interface that's going to be used it might be nice to have the option
> > there too. In essence you can configure this option from the dialer or
> > any other application that sends a message via dbus - this seems the most
> > flexible and
> > would allow an application to tell the dialer 'Please dial this number,
> > via VOIP'
> I am a little confused about where we would want the options (eg Preferred
> voip, preferred GSM, etc)

Actually, just thinking about it the dialer could just read the settings using 
gconf then in the 'system preferences application' you could set which you 

> I remember mickey discussing the strong API for using dbus. I am loving
> this, as I use
> dbus in a lot of other applications, specifically with glib. It's as simple
> as signal_connect('sig-name, aka new-phone-call', callback_func);

it was a knee jerk  reaction from me ... I'd like to see dbus support in the 
dialer. The settings stored in the gconf db could be temporarily overridden 
by a dbus call when dialing a number 

> I will look into the Dialer for this. Obviously this is going to take a lot
> more work that just getting the underlying iax2 working, it
> will almost be enough for 2 separate projects. (Exposing events of the
> dialer over dbus, if it is not already, etc).
> Um, you can use the ipkg for installation, instructions on
> http://bkruse.com
> I had a pretty crazy build environment for iaxclient, as it was not
> supposed to natively compile for ARM (That was a crazy night.)
> Ok, just checked out the source again. iaxclient_moko (in trunk) is the one
> you want. I am not sure if you can
> get it to build, I need to add those kinds of things to the configuration
> script, hence the reason I released the ipkg
> so soon :P
> The other directories are third party libs that iaxclient depends on, that
> are also setup to cross-compile.

libogg, portaudio and libspeex compiled ok, although I have to change libtool 
to say where arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ranlib was located.

iaxclient_moko however refuses to find the installed portaudio


> You should be able to make an iax call with the test client.
> After that works great, and the source works/builds ok, then I will start
> implementing into the dialer.
> Once I can make a call through iax, using the dialer, I will work on
> another program (using dbus) for auto-detecting
> AP's. (Eg keep scanning, there is probably already a mechanism to do this.)

> >
> > Install the ipkg, and do a testcall --help (it's in /usr/bin or /bin,

I'll give it a go, I would prefer to build from source if I can fix my issue.

> Btw, are you currently building freerunner images?

Not that regularly, but it's a trivial thing to switch.


Andy / ScaredyCat

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