picking up voicemail

ian douglas ian.douglas at iandouglas.com
Mon May 19 22:38:03 CEST 2008

> <steven.milburn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not at all.  When I enter a password in my blackberry, it shows the
> character for a second, then puts in a *.

The Samsung Blackjack 2 does this too, pretty handy to making sure 
you've typed what you intended.

Lasse Poulsen wrote:
> On my old old old Nokia 1610 i remember it was posible to save numbers
> with PAUSE and WAIT in them... pause ment to pause sending digit codes
> for ~5 sec - and wait would stop sending until send were pressed.

I think the standard pause (represented by a letter 'p' in the string of 
numbers to dial) is only 2 seconds, but you can put as many pauses in as 
you like.

The 'wait' (represented by a 'w' in the dial string, generally was only 
used after the telephone number that basically tells the phone to wait 
until being answered -- that way you didn't have to guess how long to 
wait (how many rings) before a voicemail application would answer.

I seem to recall the 'wait' function on my old Nokia phones would also 
pause until you hit a certain key before continuing, but I don't 
remember which key that was.


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