Calculate cardinal points from GPS?

Tomas Gustavsson tomplast at
Thu May 22 17:08:14 CEST 2008


First I would like to say that I'm a newbie when it comes to GPS, so
please don't bash (or korn ;)) me if my thinking is rather stupid.

I was thinking if was possible to calulate the cardinal points (N,E,S,W)
by the difference (in longitude and latitude) between your current
location and a fixed one. By doing so we should have our compass, at
least in my mind ;).

So what do you think guys? Is this even possible?

P.S Hmm I think that I just understood that this isn't possible, at
least not with just one fixed location as difference :/. Maybe it's
possible with let's say 10 fixed coordinates as reference?

Best regards

/Tomas "tomplast"

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