Qtopia Vs. GTK or both?

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at 3v1n0.net
Sat May 24 19:31:07 CEST 2008

Marcel ha scritto:
> Am Samstag 24 Mai 2008 14:47:03 schrieb rakshat hooja:
>> I am not to sure how many  people have seen the Neo software stack diagram
>> on the wiki but after looking at it there really should not be a GTK Vs
>> Qtopia argument any more. But I do wonder how Android fits in?
>> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/NeoSoftwareStack
>> Rakshat
> Isn't this diagram outdated?

No, it isn't. The image has been uploaded on May 7th, so it's about new 

It should say that we can use both the Openmoko official software 
(Qt+Efl based) with third party applications (both on Gtk, Qt, Ewl...) 
or Android when it will be recompiled to work with armv4 CPUs.

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