[Fwd: u-blox binary protocol boilerplate code]

Andreas Kemnade andreas at kemnade.info
Wed May 28 19:58:23 CEST 2008


On Wed, 28 May 2008 15:36:55 +0100
"Joseph Reeves" <iknowjoseph at gmail.com> wrote:

> According to the datasheet for the chip ATR0635, DGPS is a supported feature:
If DGPS is supported, it means that you can feed DGPS data from some source 
into it. But you need the raw data messages, if you want to use the Freerunner
as a base station for DGPS (and running around with another Freerunner using
that base station). As far as I can remember there are also tools to measure
the distance between two measurement points by using these raw messages.

Andreas Kemnade
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